Analysis of entry barriers to food franchise sector

The barriers to entry in food industry are high for new players, well-established companies have achieved tremendous popularity and they dominate distribution channels as well. Huge investment will be required for infrastructure set up; moreover marketing is also significant factor that must be considered.Majority of food franchise store fails within first year of business so it is critical to evaluate problems occurred.

Consumers bargaining power: Food industry is not limited to only few restaurants, in fact there are plenty of small, medium and large scale brands that offer wide range of dishes. Bargaining power of consumers is high they can easily switch to another brand if particular brand don’t satisfy their taste buds. In order to retain customers, companies must take feedback to improve on-going service and menu.

Local laws: When multinational food franchise chains across native border to appoint franchisees in different geographic location they had to face challenges and domestic opposition. Apart from this, it is also mandatory to follow rules and regulations such as hygiene, labours laws, standard operating procedures, etc.

Employees: In order to maintain in each store, you need to hire right team and chef. In many locations, challenges may arise due to non-availability of skilled manpower. No doubt restaurant industry is highly competitive and every year new restaurants pop up to deliver better services.

Rates of rental property: A good location is important for success of food franchise restaurant but increasing rental property rates is major concern these days. Excellent locations can pull large number of customers, one must find out best place for new store establishment.

High start-up cost:Establishment of restaurant could be an expensive venture and it is one of the significant barriers to entry in foodservice industry. For example, popular brands are offering high investment franchise models which are not cup of tea for every individual.

Marketing: In this global business environment, companies are investing huge amount on marketing to create brand awareness. Both money and time required to develop an effective marketing strategy.  Moreover digital marketing must be considered as modern-day customer prefers social media platforms.

Over past few years, demand of food franchises is increasing as individuals are choosing entrepreneurship instead of 9 to 5 job. Chatar Patar is major player in India when it comes to delicious street foods; it is one of the fastest growing food franchises that offer low investment business models. Before you choose a model, you must analyse current market condition in your geographic location. On the other hand barriers to entry will definitely enhance in the coming future because new players are consistently entering the Indian marketplace and also face problem at the same time.

Chatar Patar’s franchise model

Irrespective of barriers, Chatar Patar is offering lucrative franchise opportunities. if you want to become boss of your own business, bet on models offered by street food franchise. Benefits of Chatar Patar’s franchise:

  1. Low investment: Chatar Patar is perfect solution to high start-up cost barrier. A nominal investment of around 7 to 20 lakhs is required to develop a store in any location across the country.
  2. Cost-effective marketing: In short time period of 5 years, 100+ outlets opened successfully in India. The brand use low cost marketing strategies and utilize latest technologies to maintain a competitive edge. To start a success food business you must:
  3. Focus on latest trends and opportunities
  4. Meet certain rules and regulations
  5. Select best location where customers can easily reach
  6. Maintain standard operating procedures
  7. Hire skilled staff members to create effective dining experience for customers.

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